Email is still alive— and more important than ever

Almost everyone in the modern technological world today has email. Text, social media, apps, phone, and most definitely email. We use the email on a daily basis to communicate with family, friends, or at work. Certainly in a work environment we see sometimes hundreds of emails a day. So creating quality emails that get attention and truly get the job done are much more important today than ever.

Starting with the basics, such as what to write in the content that goes into each email is most important as well as proper punctuation and spelling. Next however is a skill and how to communicate specifically by email so that the recipient actually reads it and then wants to engage in it. That’s the whole point of the email.

And you have massive competition with so many platforms like social media and others. You also have thousands of companies competing for your time can fill-in peoples in boxes with more and more potential junk and spam. In fact, I have more in my own email spam folder than I do in my regular in box— by hundreds each day.

So the keys to good email delivery is to make it professionally high end, compelling and useful to your viewer, and making it simple and easy to read.

The platforms to deliver email varies. Most online web building platforms like Squarespace, Weebly, Wix, and others have tools available to be able to send professional email. You can also leverage very basic html-based email. Simple formatted text and professional email headers and graphics are really all that you need. However, hosting, posting and properly coding the email will be important too. Proper links, direct oaths to hosted images, all ensure your email will work. That’s why using a professional email platform is best. With that, you can also get analytics, list management, and much more… that’s usually the route I take, but I definitely create very basic email for certain clients.

About Todd: I am a lifetime creative professional dedicated to helping other businesses and individuals achieve their best—their Zen.

I’m Todd Mitchell. Lifetime artist, entrepreneur, and 30-year creative professional. I develop creative ideas and solutions that help inspire the best in people, products and businesses. My mission is helping others achieve their absolute best. Personally and professionally. 

Mitchell Creative Group is a micro-virtual creative agency outside of Boston, serving small businesses with professional creative services: Branding and identity, marketing and advertising, web and print, video and new media. Small businesses need high-level creative support— quickly, and at a fair, flexible price. And that’s what I provide.

(508) 494-8182


Marketing planning & budget is critical to any business


Converting old newsletters into a modern on-screen experience